You can now listen to us

thisweekinecommerceYou might have noticed that ecomPunk was not performing as strong as it used to. I would say this is because the format was not as attractive for us anymore and we wanted to evolve in the way we share our ecommerce experience and stories.

Kai and I now decided to focus our limited spare time to the weekly production of an ecommerce podcast called “This Week in ECommerce“. We hope you will enjoy this new format and that my relocation to New York enables us to cover not only interesting stories from Europe but also from the US market.

Please let us know what you think! We are eager to learn how to improve.
Here you can find a short transition post from ecomPunk to This Week in ECommerce.

ShopTechTalks #4: Magento – Past, Present & Future (en)

Roman published a podcast about the future of Magento and compared it to osCommerce, OXID eShop and Shopware with his guest Tim Bezhashvyly.

Rethink e-commerce architecture

Some interesting e-commerce architecture thoughts from our friend Dimitri!

Dimitri Gatowski

You haven’t read posts from me since a couple of years. My last post was about the development of Magento under the full control of Ebay and this is over 2 years ago. A lot of things have happened since then: new Magento projects and events like Meet Magento or the Developer Paradise where I always enjoy to meet the Magento community. Also, I enjoy a lot to discuss with e-commerce leaders from retailers and brands about their challenges and goals. Especially retailers with brick-and-mortar stores are facing a very quickly growing competition with strong digital pure players like Amazon. I like to read german e-commerce blogs Exciting Commerce by Jochen Krisch and Kassenzone by Alexander Graf which are covering these challenges quite well.

The question “how to enable my clients to successfully deal with this situation?” has bugged me a lot during these years. I believe that the only way to go is to…

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The e-commerce innovation dilemma

Not really punk style but some real concerns about the innovation in e-commerce. So I guess it will be of interest to you!

Alexander Ringsdorff

Very recently Roman wrote about the lack of innovations in e-commerce and his frustration with the outlook leaders of popular shop systems gave.

Well, I can feel his pain. Since 2010 there has not really been any kind of innovation across the leading open source systems including Magento, Oxid e-sales, Shopware and PrestaShop from my point of view. It seems everybody got comfortable and relaxed once the feature push of Magento got to an end after the take over by eBay. I am under the impression that everybody went focusing on large “enterprise” clients underlining the stability and scalability of their software and therefore lost the focus on innovation. The nice thing about these enterprise customers is that they do come with deep pockets helping to monetize the open source development and attract other merchants. However at the same time they are the ones usually not requiring innovative features but a robust set…

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Sold, The App That Sells Your Stuff For You, Arrives On Android

I like to see that startups are also addressing the service around ecommerce and see this as an important area to innovate. Much too often we tend to get lost in little technical details and forget about how the overall experience for the customer will be. This also matches well with the “10 times better” approach of Google to new businesses.